Workshop on Construction Innovation


How will automation impact Project Management jobs?
From traditional, modern to AI Applications…

Date: 03 December, 2018
Time: 2:20-5:30PM (with simple dinner included)

Professor C M Tam1, Dr. Michael C. P. Sing2 and Dr. Ivan W H Fung1

Nobody can predict the future. But we can make an approximation observing the current trends. Technology has revolutionized the way we work in the last decade. Going forward, automation will be prominent across all jobs including Project Management.
When taken in a good sense, automation can bring about a significant job improvement. Professor Tam, Dr. Sing and Dr. Fung will share their insights, experience and related researches (in HK and China) from traditional, modern to AI applications, with respects to construction / project management in environmental, quality, safety and health, and site monitoring issues.

1 City University of Hong Kong
2 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

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